Research - Internal Medicine Pediatrics Residency

Research is a required part of the Internal Medicine Pediatrics (Med-Peds) curriculum at the University of Maryland. All Med-Peds residents complete a mentored, longitudinal research project in an area of their choosing.
Our residents receive guided mentorship by a scholarly oversight committee that includes their Med-Peds mentor and research project advisor. The goal is to familiarize the resident with the process of IRB approval, data collection and analysis.
Many residents have had their projects accepted for publication and/or presentation at national meetings. Med-Peds residents have published in Pediatrics, The New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA, and they have presented at regional ACP meetings and national meetings like the IDSA and CHEST.
Our residents are involved in a variety of research projects each year. Many of our residents work together on projects, and you will notice that several topics are being studied by residents in various classes.

Examples of recent research projects include:
- "Improving advanced directive rates at our internal medicine resident clinic"
- "Assessing social determinants of health at our internal medicine resident clinic and providing appropriate resources"
- "Administering bicycle helmets at our pediatrics resident clinic"
- "Improving pediatric resident care for transgender patients"
- "Developing a transitional care curriculum for pediatric and internal medicine residents"
- "Use of respiratory viral panel in the inpatient pediatric setting"
- "Developing an opiate abuse and treatment curriculum for pediatrics residents"
- "Assessing the utility of a pediatric insulin sliding scale on the inpatient pediatrics floor"
- "Participation in REVISE II, a multicenter trial to improve outcomes in neonatal sepsis"
- "Prediction models for group A strep endocarditis"
- "Development of EMR tools to identify potential biases at admission"
- "SMART therapy for hospitalized pediatric patients with asthma"