Departmental Scope of Services

Surgical Prep provides pre-hospital care as well as day of surgery preparation to patients undergoing surgical procedures in the general operating room, interventional radiology and cardiac/thoracic surgery.

Types of Patients Served

The Prep Room provides professional nursing care to patients throughout the life span. Nurses collaborate with the anesthesia and surgical teams to promote comprehensive patient preparedness and safety.

Overview of Department Services

Surgical Prep is divided into two distinct units:

The Call Center

The Call Center collects and evaluates patient testing and information for surgery. A collaborative plan of care is formulated with the surgeon, anesthesiologist and specialty consults. In addition, the call center nurses begin the Nursing Admission Assessment by telephone interview and provide patient education to prepare the patient for surgery.

Prep Room

On the day of surgery, prep room reviews the patient pre-operative status and completes the assessment and education for the patient and family in a caring and supportive environment.

Staffing Model

The R.N. staff provides nursing coverage for the Call Center and Prep Room. The focus is on assessment and preparation of the patient and their family for their experience throughout the perianesthesia continuum. Daily operations are coordinated by the patient care coordinator in conjunction with the nurse manager.

The Surgical Prep nursing staff epitomizes the very best of nursing. The nurses are experienced, dedicated, and exemplify the core values of the medical center by offering "loving service and compassionate care." In addition, the nursing staff participates in all aspects of unit administration, clinical practice, clinical education, performance improvement and peer recognition.

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