UMMC Midtown's entrance

All fellows maintain an outpatient HIV continuity clinic during their fellowship. In the first year, fellows have continuity clinic at the Baltimore VA or the THRIVE Program at the UMMC-Midtown campus. One to two-week ambulatory clinic blocks are also scattered throughout the fellows' schedules, and include time at both HIV clinics, the general ID clinic, the hepatitis C clinic, cancer-ID clinic, transplant-ID clinic, and travel clinic. In the second year, the fellow may choose to spend additional time in any of the ID clinics listed below depending on the individual fellow's clinical and research interests.

University of Maryland Medical Center

  • Transplant Infectious Diseases Clinic
    • This clinic provides infectious diseases care for patients who have received solid-organ transplants.
  • Cancer Infectious Diseases Clinic
    • This clinic provides care for cancer patients with infectious diseases including HIV-infected patients who have cancer.
  • Travel Clinic
    • This clinic provides pre-travel infectious diseases evaluation and immunizations.

University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus

  • THRIVE Program
    • Specialists in the Program diagnose and treat complicated infectious diseases, with a particular focus on the comprehensive care of patients with HIV, infections in patients who have had surgery and transplants. Specialty care is also available for patients with Hepatitis B and C and many other infections. The Program plays a major role in educating medical students, residents, and fellows.
  • Jacques Initiative (JI)
    • The JACQUES Initiative is a community outreach program that provides comprehensive primary medical care for HIV positive men and women. Services include case management, mental health services, and treatment support (including directly observed therapy) as well as referrals for substance abuse services and housing. JI takes a team-based approach, engaging patients and the people who support them – family, friends, and neighbors – in their treatment and care plan.

Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center

  • Infectious Diseases/HIV Clinic
    • The VA clinic provides comprehensive primary HIV care to approximately 750 HIV-infected veterans as well as general infectious diseases consultations and follow-up care.
  • Hepatitis C Clinic
    • This clinic provides Hepatitis C care to VA patients with and without HIV co-infection.