A bus driving in front of the University of Maryland Medical Center's entrance

We provide a number of hospital resources to our current residents and fellows.

Hospital Resources


Carebridge Work-Life Resources

Carebridge is an innovative information program that provides professional consultation, referral and information to help with a variety of personal and family needs. The Carebridge counselors have master's degrees and extensive experience in the field for which they are providing assistance. They will provide unlimited consultation and searches to help you find the services you need for you and your family.

House Staff Association

The UMMS House Staff Association is a voluntary association dedicated to provide the UMMS residents and fellows with representation, advocacy and free food. The House Staff Association has a lounge that is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for house staff use.

Financial Counseling

The University of Maryland Medical System partners with Prudential to offer free financial and retirement counseling. You can get help with:

  • Active enrollment
  • Determining an appropriate contribution percentage tailored to your goals
  • Understanding your plan's investment options
  • Adding or changing beneficiaries
  • Rollover/consolidation of previous employer plans
  • General financial and investment education

To make an appointment, call 301-641-6705 or email Chris Maas, Senior Retirement Counselor.

Food Services

There are plenty of restaurants in and around UMMC. If you need a late-night meal, there are vending machines available 24 hours a day that have refrigerate and frozen meals. You can find those vending machines in the hallway to the left of the Courtyard Cafe.

House Staff Association members also have access to free food 24 hours a day.

Information Technology

If you are outside the UMMS Firewall, you may not be able to access the Internal UMMC Home Page. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) must be setup.

To obtain information about securing a VPN, please refer to VPN Remote Access.

Institutional Committees

University of Maryland Medical Center offers opportunities for residents and fellows to serve on institutional committees. If you are interested in participating in any of these committees, please contact the Office of Graduate Medical Education. See a list of UMMC's institutional committees.

Physician Recruitment

UMMS is among the top 25 employers in the state. Our multi-hospital system consists of 13 outstanding hospitals and numerous ambulatory centers that offer you a choice of locations—from urban to suburban and rural—and a choice of practice settings, including academic, teaching and community. People are our priority at UMMS, from our patients, community members and our employees. We take your health, growth and work-life balance seriously. Your wellbeing and development are profound to us.

Visit the Physician Recruitment page to search academic faculty physician opportunities, view benefits and resources, and other helpful information.

Regulatory Readiness

The Regulatory Readiness Tips Booklet is available electronically this year. 

Salary and Benefits

The University of Maryland Medical Center offers residents and fellows competitive salary and benefits. Look at the full breakdown of resident/fellow salaries and benefits.

Security and Transportation

The University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus Police provide transportation for the School of Medicine on Campus. Campus Police may be reached by calling 410-706-6882. Those requiring a ride off campus must call the University of Maryland, Baltimore Caravan at 706-CVAN (706-2826). The Caravan runs until midnight on weekdays.

Emergency escort and transportation to your car are provided for all hospital personnel 24/7 by the Guest Services Department when University of Maryland, Baltimore vehicles are not available. Call 410-328-5473 for more information.

Safety Numbers

  • Campus Police: 410-706-6882
  • UMB Caravan: 410-706-2826
  • UMMS Guest Services: 410-328-5473


Volunteer Opportunities

Residents and fellows can volunteer in the community through our Community Outreach team. We offer a wide variety of options to connect you with your surrounding community.

If you are interested in participating in health-related events, please contact Mariellen Synan, UMMC Community Outreach Manager at 410-328-8402 or msynan@umm.edu.

If you are interested in volunteering for youth and education events, please contact Samuel Burris at 410-328-4485 or samuelburris@umm.edu