UM Baltimore Washington Medical Group - Obstetrics and Prenatal Services

The UM Baltimore Washington Medical Group – Women's Health's specialists provide comprehensive and compassionate care for mother and baby before, during and after birth. We offer a variety of models of care and a safe, nurturing environment for labor and delivery at UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center.
Models of Prenatal Care
Choose the model of prenatal care that best meet your needs. Our OB/GYNs and midwives work with you to develop a prenatal care plan and a birthing plan so you can bring your newborn into the world with confidence and ease. These models include:
Midwifery Care
Your initial OB appointment will most likely be scheduled with a certified nurse midwife. Together, you will determine the best model of prenatal care for you and your baby. Midwifery care is based on the belief that pregnancy and birth are normal, healthy processes in a woman’s life. Midwives are advanced practice nurses who specialize in supporting women during pregnancy, labor and delivery. Learn more about midwifery care.
Group Prenatal Care (CenteringPregnancy®)
The CenteringPregnancy® model of prenatal care focuses on health assessment, education and support within a group facilitated by a midwife and an assistant. Women who are due around the same time are grouped together and attend 10 two-hour prenatal sessions. Women take their own blood pressure, weigh themselves, set personal goals and have an individual check-up with their clinician. Then the group along with the clinician engages together in a facilitated discussion around important health topics. Learn more about CenteringPregnancy at UM BWMG Women's Health.
Physician-Supervised Prenatal Care
The doctors in our practice are specifically trained to care for women with more complex medical conditions who may be considered high-risk.
Labor and Delivery
The physicians and midwives deliver babies and perform gynecologic surgeries at the Pascal Women's Center at University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center.
Because our providers work together as a team, they are each assigned a 24-hour period to be on call. A doctor and midwife are always on call together. As a result, the doctor or midwife that you have chosen to provide your prenatal care may not be on call and available for your labor and delivery. However, one of the other physicians and/or midwife team members will be there to ensure the safest, most harmonious delivery experience possible.