Ongoing communication between residents and faculty is highly valued and considered critical to our success as residents. We have developed a comprehensive core curriculum that is delivered through our Thursday Didactic series. Residents receive formal written feedback on each of their clinical rotations through our web-based evaluation system (MedHub). Similarly, residents evaluate attending teaching and the educational value of the rotations, providing realtime feedback to the education leadership.

Through the Program Evaluation Committee, resident representatives from each class review feedback about the program and contribute to the educational process. All residents are welcome at these meetings. An Annual Needs Assessment gives residents another way to evaluate the overall residency and its components. Residents and faculty from all the divisions actively participate in this review process to continuously improve the curriculum and meet the needs of our residents.

With our Peer Evaluation System, residents evaluate their interns and interns evaluate their supervising residents. Students evaluate residents on their clinical, teaching and leadership skills, and residents provide valuable evaluations of their medical students. This comprehensive multi-source feedback system ensures that residents are continually striving to improve their skills in a positive and nurturing environment.

Residents meet with assigned clinical supervisors in a formal semi-annual mentoring and feedback session where we review the resident's clinical performance, career interests, and educational goals for the coming year. Throughout the year, residents connect more informally with their faculty advisors.

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