Residents out and about in the city

The University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt Residency residents come from a variety of medical schools from around the country and world.

There are six chief residents who dedicate a portion of their PGY-4 year to administrative and teaching work related to the chief positions.

The Executive Chief Resident, Social Justice Chief Resident, Inpatient Chief Resident, Consult-Liaison Chief Resident, Sheppard Pratt Hospital Chief Resident, and Psychiatric Emergency Services Chief Resident work together with the training office and the residents to support and improve the residency.

We strive to provide the residents with high-quality training so that they are prepared to excel in the next step of their careers.

Current Residents

Where Our Graduates Go

Our graduates have gone in a number of different directions for their next steps. From fellowships, to academia, to clinical practice, your options are many. Take a look at what some of our graduates are doing now, and at the different fellowships we offer at the University of Maryland.

Residency Awards

The Residency Program is proud that many of our residents have received regional and national honors and awards. Residents who have received awards over the past few years are listed below.


  • Stephanie Kulaga, MD
    •  2023 Maryland Psychiatric Society (MPS) Annual Meeting poster finalist
  • Zofia Kozak, MD
    • 2023 Maryland Psychiatric Society (MPS) Annual Meeting poster finalist
  • Rachel LeMalefant, MD
    • APA Area 3 Resident-Fellow Member Merit Award recipient


  • Eric Goldwaser, DO, PhD
    • 2022 Clarence G. Schulz Prize (psychotherapy paper award, University of Maryland/
    • Sheppard-Pratt Psychiatry Residency Program)
    • 2022 Maryland Psychiatric Society’s Poster of the Year Competition Finalist
    • Society of Biological Psychiatry Early Career Researcher Travel Award Fellowship
    • American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology New Investigator Award
    • American Psychiatric Association Research Colloquium Award
    • Became an Associate Member of the American Psychoanalytic Association College of Researchers
  • Joan Han, DO
    • 2022 APA Area 3 Resident-Fellow Member Recognition Award
    • 2022 UMMC Resident of the Year Award
  • Joan Han, DO and Jennifer Reid, MD
    • 2022 Maryland Psychiatric Society Resident-Fellow Member Poster Competition
  • Stephanie Kulaga, MD
    • 2022 Maryland Psychiatric Society’s Resident/Fellow Paper of the Year for the Best Published Research Paper by a Resident or Fellow
  • Hannah Paulding, MD
    • 2022 Induction into the Gold Humanism Society (after selection by the medical students at the University of Maryland School of Medicine)


  • Chelsea Cosner, MD
    • 2021 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Systems of Care Special Program Clinical Poster Project Award
    • 2021 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Educational Outreach Program for General Psychiatry Residents Award
  • Mark Kvarta MD, PhD
    • 2021 Society of Biological Psychiatry Travel Award
  • Amit Suneja, MD
    • 2021 – 2023 American Psychiatric Association (APA)/APA Foundation (APAF) Public Psychiatry Fellowship


  • Gregory Barber, MD
    • 2020-2022 American Psychiatric Association (APA)/APA Foundation (APAF) Leadership Fellow
  • Rachel L. Dillinger, MD
    • Deputy Editor of the American Journal of Psychiatry Residents' Journal for 2020 - 2021.
    • Maryland Psychiatric Society's Best Published Paper by a Resident or Fellow
  • Danae DiRocco, MD, MPH
    • APA Resident Recognition Award
  • Devin Gibbs, MD
    • American Society for Psychoanalytic Physicians (ASPP) Henry P. Laughlin Psychodynamic Psychiatry Award
  • Eric Goldwaser, DO, PhD
    • Honorable Mention, NIMH Outstanding Resident Award
  • Crystal Han, MD
    • APA/SAMHSA Minority Fellowship
  • Mark Kvarta, MD, PhD
    • Finalist in the Maryland Psychiatric Society's Poster of the Year competition
  • Jooyoung Lee, MD
    • Finalist in the Maryland Psychiatric Society's Poster of the Year competition
  • Kathryn Skimming, MD, MS
    • 2020 Scott Schwartz Award, American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychotherapy

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