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Cancer LifeNet programs are offered to individuals impacted by cancer who live in our community, regardless of where treatment is received. Whether newly diagnosed, in treatment, remission or having a recurrence, we invite you to participate in our support groups, integrative health offerings and other programs.

  • For real time information about all support groups, classes and programs offered through UM Upper Chesapeake Health – both onsite and online – please visit our community calendar of events
  • For a full list of the Kaufman Cancer Calendar, enter Kaufman into the community calendar search bar.

To register and obtain meeting information for events, please call us at 443-643-3350 or toll free at 866-393-4355. You may also use the link above – community calendar of events – to register online.

Note: Keeping our patients safe is our top priority. Given the high-risk nature of those we serve, we ask that you kindly remain vigilant of any cold or flu-like symptoms or known exposures you may have experienced and refrain from on-site attendance and mask when appropriate.

Your careful consideration of everyone’s health is most appreciated. Thank you. 

Cancer Support Groups

Blood Cancer

Our blood cancer support group provides patients and their family members a place to share information, education and feelings in a compassionate and caring setting. It is open to all adult patients affected by leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome.

Breast Cancer

Our breast cancer support group fosters compassionate discussion about how having breast cancer can affect our daily lives. We share resources and coping strategies, discuss medical experiences and offer support and understanding. Led by professional social workers, we emphasize the fact that you are never alone.

Head and Neck Cancer

This educational and informative support group is a time for sharing and learning with the goal of providing positive coping strategies, reducing stress and maximizing your quality of life. The group is open to individuals who are newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment or recovering from treatment and their families. Health care professionals are also in attendance.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can have a profound impact on a couple’s relationship; therefore, our prostate cancer support group is open to both men and their partners. Open to all who have been touched by prostate cancer, we especially embrace newly diagnosed men or couples by offering a safe place to share experiences and hear how others have managed the disease and its treatments.

Integrated Wellness Groups and Services 

CLIMB – Children's Lives Include Moments of Bravery

Created by The Children's Treehouse Foundation, Children's Lives Include Moments of Bravery (CLIMB) is a free support program designed to help children cope when a family member has cancer. By creating a safe setting where kids can express their fears, concerns and questions, CLIMB helps children take comfort in knowing that they are never alone. It is designed to be fun and interactive for kids and reassuring for parents. Learn more about the CLIMB support program.


Reiki is a Japanese healing art that can promote healing, reduce stress and encourage relaxation. Often used in conjunction with standard medical care, it is meant to rebalance an individual by utilizing the life energy that comes from placing hands on or above his or her body. Reiki has been known to lower heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rates and can help ease pain, anxiety, depression and improve overall well-being. It supports the release of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages, improving an individual’s attitude and outlook. Individual reiki sessions are available upon request.

Virtual Gentle Yoga

Through therapeutic yoga, participants will use a combination of gentle movements, breathing practices and guided relaxation to support restorative posture and assist with fatigue, pain and stress. This is an online class via Zoom.

Virtual Healing Through Support

Social support is essential to our mental and psychological well-being. It helps enhance our resilience to stress, anxiety and other negative emotions that, when left unchecked, can lead to a decline in our overall health. This compassionate group offers unconditional support, fellowship and understanding to all individuals who are coping with cancer, as well as their caregivers.

Virtual Guided Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness have a host of well documented health benefits. Known for its calming aspects, meditating can help you increase self-awareness, lower levels of stress and anxiety and reduce negative emotions, while relaxing your body and mind. 30-minute online guided meditation sessions are offered weekly via Zoom.

Classes and Resources

Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Workshop

This evidence-based program, developed by Stanford Medicine, is a weekly workshop that is offered to those who have just completed or are close to completing treatment, and their caregiver. Over the course of six weeks, the classes explore topics such as managing fatigue, relaxation, understanding emotions, maintaining physical activity, managing pain, living with uncertainty, decision-making, body image changes, healthy eating, communicating with others, sleep and working with your healthcare team. It's a great way to connect with fellow survivors.

Quit Smoking Classes

Quitting tobacco is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It isn't easy, but you can do it! We're here to help with free classes offered throughout the year. These classes will teach you about the dangers of smoking, share tips on how to quit and cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms, provide information on nicotine replacement products and more. Visit our smoking cessation page for more details.