People decide to change doctors for many reasons. Perhaps you are moving to a different community, have new health benefits or simply aren't satisfied with your current provider.

If you are ready to make a shift, it's best to evaluate what you are looking for in a new doctor. Use this checklist to help prepare for a smooth transition:

Do Your Research

Ask your family, friends or neighbors for recommendations. You can also request referrals from your current doctor's office or search online for doctors. Don't forget to confirm your insurance details to make sure a doctor is covered by your insurance plan takes your insurance.

Ask Questions

Prepare a list of questions that are important to you to ask your new doctor.

Share Your Medical History with Your New Doctor

Request that your medical records be transferred to your new doctor. This information should include diagnoses and treatment, past procedures, allergies to medication and other important notes.

Take Every Medication to Your New Doctor

Having all of your medications in one place makes it easier for the doctor to know the specifics of which medications you are taking and, after a detailed assessment, note if any changes should be made.

Like other significant relationships in your life, it's important to make the one with your doctor valuable. The more you know each other, the better their services will be for you.

Contact us if you are looking for a new cardiologist.