UMMC Downtown Campus - Nursing Students

Welcome to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) Downtown Campus. This site serves as the central resource for all levels of nursing students who are utilizing UMMC for school-related clinical experiences.
UMMC Opportunities
- Academy of Clinical Essentials (ACE)
- Nursing Student Programs
- Practicum to Practice (P3)
- Student Nurse Positions
- If interested in shadowing a nurse on a unit, complete this Share Time Request Form.
Nursing Student Clinical Placement
These instructions are for:
- Advanced practice nursing (APN)
- Clinical groups
- Practicum/transition/capstone students (undergraduate or entry-level MSN)
All students must read the System requirements and are expected to adhere to these standards.
Clinical Forms
Please complete (or have your students complete) all necessary paperwork below prior to the start date. In addition, all students must complete the Universal Onboarding training; contact the school for access.
- Read the Clinical requirements for onboarding
- Complete the EPIC Access request form – Must be completed for each clinical experience.
- Complete the Student Confidentiality Agreement
- APN Students only:
- Read the Orientation Manual
- Complete the Orientation Manual Acknowledgment Form
Submit documents to your school coordinator.
Portfolio Training
Portfolio training is only required for APN and entry into practice practicum students who have not had a clinical at UMMC or is not an employee at a UMMS facility. Your school coordinator will submit a portfolio roster to UMMC and once processed, students will receive instructions for accessing the training modules.
Group clinical students will be trained on Epic by their clinical instructor on their first day on the unit.
School coordinators will share the badge form with students.
- Clinical instructors will take the group of clinical students to the Security Service Center on or before the first day in the unit.
- Practicum students will take their form to the Security Service Center on or before the first day in the unit.
The Security Service Center is located on NBE47, Monday – Friday, from 6 am to 6 pm.
Parking Information
For the UMMC Downtown Campus, students should go to to complete parking permit forms. Non-UMB students must complete the visiting students application to receive a parking permit.
For questions or more information, please email Mikki Coleman at