Learn more about getting a free vascular screening and how the Vascular Center at UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center (UM BWMC) can help you check for vascular problems.
Who Should Be Screened for Vascular Disease
People age 60 or older, especially men, are at a higher risk of vascular disease. Other risk factors for vascular disease include:
Doctors use special Doppler machines during vascular tests to diagnose vascular issues. These machines use ultrasound to take pictures of your vascular system. The process is quick and painless, usually taking less than 20 minutes.
Aortic scan – A quick scan can diagnose an AAA and accurately measure its size to determine proper treatment.
PAD screen – A doctor can use a Doppler exam to find out if someone has peripheral artery disease.
Carotid can – Carotid artery disease can be easily and accurately diagnosed using an ultrasound scan.
Screening Results
Following a screening, a doctor or nurse at the Vascular Center will go over your results with you. If you receive a normal result, you can be rescreened in five years. Be sure to share your results with your primary care doctor.
Where to Get Vascular Screenings
Vascular screenings are available at UM BWMC in Glen Burnie. If you would like to speak to someone about the vascular screening program at UM BWMC, call 410-787-4391.
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Are You at Risk for Vascular Disease?
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