Prior to surgery, you will need to have a pre-surgical evaluation to be sure you are healthy enough to undergo surgery. This evaluation is done by our perioperative prep center (link) or your primary care physician. You will have blood work done and depending on your age and/or medical history may need other testing, such as an EKG or chest x-ray. If you have a history of significant cardiac or pulmonary conditions, you may need to get clearance from your medical specialist to continue with surgery.

Other Tests

Pre-operative imaging in the case of adrenal masses is critical in planning the surgical procedure. Pre-operative CT or MRI will provide critical information to the location of the mass, involvement of surrounding structures, mass size and possibility of metastatic disease in the case of adrenal carcinoma. This imaging may also help to differentiate between a concerning mass and a simple benign tumor.

View information about the risks of surgery and what to expect after surgery.

More Information

For more information, please contact our office at 410-328-6187.