Medical Oncology and Hematology research presentation in 2021

As a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, we maintain an interactive, multidisciplinary research program focused on the rapid transfer of knowledge from the laboratory to the clinic.

Our fellows will participate in basic translational and/or clinical research, designing a research proposal under the guidance of a research mentor as well as a mentoring committee made up of three faculty selected by the individual fellow.

Fellows will meet with their committee at pre-specified intervals to ensure continued progress.

Each fellow is expected to finish training with at least one first-authored abstracted presented at a national meeting or peer-reviewed publication.

Fellows will complete a week-long research workshop supported by the Research Career Development Office at the University of Maryland, entitled "Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research". Trainees also have access to workshops which review grant writing, how to publish research, and identifying funding sources.

Research Track

We also offer a T32 Training Grant Supported Research Track for those interested in focusing on basic and translational cancer research during their fellowship training. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals irrespective of sex, racial or ethnic background, religious affiliation or marital status.

Trainee Faculty Member Start Date Topic of Research Project Subsequent Grant(s) – Role – Year Awarded
Guillermo L. Rivell
Scott Devine, PhD
July 2019 LINE-1 (L1) Transposons in Human Carcinogenesis Interdisciplinary Clinical Translation Research Grant/
Accelerated (ICTR/ATIP) – co/l – March 2020
Forat Lutfi
Xuefang Cao, PhD
July 2020 Targeting recipient CD27-CD70 pathway to control Graft Versus Host Disease following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation

UMGCCC Pilot Research Grant – 2021-2023

Yuchen Liu
Maria R. Baer, MD July 2022 Role of p53 pathway dysfunction in FLT3-ITD acute myeloid leukemia
UMGCCC Pilot Research Grant