Experimental Cancer Therapeutics
Program Co-leader: Maria R. Baer, MD
Program Co-leader: Feyruz V. Rassool, PhD
See the complete list of Experimental Therapeutics investigators.
A critical mission of the UM Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center is to improve patient outcomes through the development of novel therapies and therapeutic strategies. To that end, the Experimental Therapeutics (ET) Program develops and tests new therapies for solid tumors and hematologic malignancies.
The ET Program consists of members from five schools of the University of Maryland, including the School of Medicine (representing several departments) and the School of Pharmacy. Program members are supported by many individual peer-reviewed grants. The unifying theme of this Program is to build translational clinical trials based on innovative and novel laboratory research projects.
The ET Program's scientific goals are based on three themes:
- Molecular targets – Develop and test new cancer therapies based on novel molecular targets.
- Treatment delivery – Develop and test novel formulations and delivery strategies for cancer treatments and new regional therapies.
- Radiation – Develop and test novel strategies for utilizing ionizing and nonionizing radiation and for radiation sensitization and protection in the multimodality management of cancers.
ET program activities are greatly enhanced by extensive interactions with other cancer center programs. Program members are frequent users of Cancer Center Shared Services. The Cancer Center also supports monthly Program meetings and yearly Program scientific retreats. The increasing numbers of cancer-directed translational and clinical studies developed by program members is a manifestation of the success of this program.