Learning Experiences

Core Rotations
- Training/Orientation (6 weeks)
- Pharmacy Administration (5 weeks)
- Medical Intensive Care (5 weeks)
- Emergency Medicine (5 weeks)
- Medical-Surgical Care (5 weeks)
Elective Rotations
- Antimicrobial Stewardship/ Infectious Diseases (4 weeks)
- Cardiology (4 weeks)
- Transitions of Care (4 weeks)
- Pharmacy Informatics (4 weeks)
Required Longitudinal Experiences
- Residency research project (48 weeks)
- Staffing every 3rd weekend and 1 weekday evening every 3 weeks (46 weeks)
- Code Blue participation (52 weeks)
Additional Program Expectations
- Regularly attends and participates in pharmacy staff meetings and hospital committee meetings
- Participates in quality improvement initiatives
- Completes residency research project and final write-up a in manuscript form
- Completes at least one Medication Use Evaluation (MUE)
- Completes at least one drug monograph, drug class review, clinical guideline or protocol
- Provides pharmacist, nurse, provider and patient education
- Precepts student pharmacists on clinical rotations
- Presents at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Eastern States Conference
Residents will have the opportunity to precept pharmacy students on some clinical rotations depending on scheduling. The preceptor will oversee and coordinate precepting activities for the resident and student. Resident may be asked to lead topic discussions, review patient cases, assists students on rounds, drug information requests and project involvement. In addition, the residents will also have the option to participate in the teaching certificate program through University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.