Get a COVID Vaccine and Booster
The best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 is to get the vaccine and a booster as soon as you are eligible.
People six months of age and older can be vaccinated. Vaccine and booster recommendations are based on your age, the vaccine you were first given and when you received your last dose. Vaccines and boosters are free, regardless of whether or not you have health insurance.
At this time, the UM Capital Region Health is no longer offering COVID-19 vaccines to the public.
Members of our community who wish to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster shot should visit this site to find a nearby vaccination location.
Find More Vaccine Locations in Maryland
- Search the Maryland Department of Health's website
- Text your zip code to GETVAX (438829) in English or VACUNA (822862) in Spanish to get contact information for three sites near you with available COVID vaccines.
Learn More
- About the COVID Vaccines – Articles include comparing the vaccines, why you should get a booster shot, COVID vaccine for kids Q&A, vaccine facts and myths and more.
- COVID Español – El Sistema Médico de la Universidad de Maryland (UMMS) se compromete con brindar información precisa y actualizada sobre el coronavirus y sobre cómo transitar esta pandemia.