Education - Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship

Clinical Rotations
Your training will be completed over 36 months with approximately 6 months of clinical service each year. Over the course of your training, you will follow the general schedule below.
- 18 months of clinical experience
- Includes dedicated unit time in PICU and CVICU
- Anesthesia rotation in the first year
- 1 month trauma rotation at the Shock Trauma Center at UMMS in the second year
- 2 months at Johns Hopkins University for additional pediatric trauma & neurosurgery (in second & third year)
- 17 months of research time
- 3 weeks of vacation per year
Call Schedules
Fellows take in-house call approximately every fifth night over the three years. During your Shock Trauma Rotation, the call schedule is approximately Q3rd night. While rotating at Johns Hopkins you will follow a night float system with a week of days, followed by a week of nights for each rotation block.
A series of divisional conferences occur weekly and provide didactic sessions for the fellows and ICU staff.
These conferences cover all of the major topics in pediatric critical care medicine and are provided as lectures, case conferences, webcasts, etc.
In addition, our conference series includes monthly journal clubs, core content review, white board sessions, and morbidity & mortality conference.
Our fellows participate in these conferences series as both presenters and learners.
Mondays: Cardiac conference
Together with the pediatric cardiologist, anesthesiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and radiologists we discuss upcoming cardiac surgery cases, review cath cases from the past week, and the patients admitted to the PICU post operatively. Upcoming surgical requests are also presented to and discussed with our cardiothoracic surgeons.
Tuesdays and Fridays
Tuesday and Friday are dedicated to fellow specific education and include the following conferences.
- Core curriculum didactic series
- White board/ medical math series
- Board review
- Journal Club
- Didactics on Critical Care Topics
- Professor Rounds
Professor Rounds
A bi-weekly case conference discussion with all members of the ICU team. A patient for discussion is chosen from the current PICU census for discussion of presentation, differential diagnosis, management decisions.
A weekly multidisciplinary quality improvement conference for the entire PICU team. Any member of the team is welcome to bring topics to the group for discussion as well as getting involved in quality improvement projects. We encourage fellows to get involved in a variety of QI projects related to the PICU.
Thursdays: Pediatric Grand Rounds
A weekly educational lecture sponsored by the department of pediatrics covering all aspects of pediatric care. Grand Rounds runs from September to June.