LASIK eye surgery can be a life-changing procedure for people with either nearsightedness or farsightedness.

This commonly performed laser eye surgery with a high success rate is a great option for those who don't want to rely on contacts or glasses in their everyday lives.

At University of Maryland Eye Associates, we are experts at performing LASIK eye surgery and other similar refractive surgeries.

We perform LASIK eye surgery consultations at our Baltimore and Columbia offices. Call 667-214-1111 to make an appointment with one of our laser eye surgery specialists.

Am I a Candidate for LASIK?

We offer free evaluations to see if you are a candidate for LASIK. Some things that could prevent you from being a candidate include:

  • Changes in contact lenses or glasses prescription over the last few years
  • Certain medication use, such as accutane
  • Some eye conditions, like glaucoma, retina problems, herpes or inflammation in the eye
  • History of eye surgery

During your evaluation, we'll look at the health of your eye, the cornea's curvature and changes in your prescription. We also dilate your eye to do a thorough front-to-back exam of the eye to make sure this laser surgery for you.

Age is not usually a restriction. However, we find that most people are good candidates for LASIK eye surgery.

How LASIK Works

The shape of the cornea causes both nearsightedness and farsightedness. During laser eye surgery, we use lasers to reshape your cornea.

We'll give you eye drops beforehand, making you numb to pain and more relaxed.

Using advanced mapping technology, the machines scan your eye and begin changing the shape of your cornea painlessly using laser light pulses.

We operate on each eye separately. The whole process takes less than an hour.

After Surgery

After surgery, you'll have a quick eye exam before going home. You should expect some discomfort for a few hours. You'll need a friend or family member to drive you home.

Most people no longer need to use glasses or contacts during daily activities, but some still require the use of glasses or contacts, depending on your vision prior to surgery.

You'll use eye drops for a few weeks after surgery to help healing, prevent infection, and treat dryness. We'll have follow-up visits with you the next day, after one week, and after one month to make sure you're recovering correctly.

For most patients, this change will stay the rest of your life. It doesn't prevent other problems from developing, like cataracts or the need for reading glasses.

Is LASIK Safe?

LASIK is a safe procedure that is commonly performed throughout the United States.

Risks of surgery include:

  • Risks of dry eye syndrome, which can be severe
  • The possible need for glasses or contact lenses after surgery
  • Visual symptoms including halos, glare, starbursts, and double vision, which can be debilitating
  • The loss of vision

Other Types of Refractive Surgery

LASIK is a widely recognizable form of refractive surgery, but there are other options depending on your condition. We'll make sure to set you up with the right procedure for your condition. Other types include:

  • PRK (photorefractive keratectomy)
  • LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis), a combination of LASIK and PRK
  • Refractive Cataract Surgery

LASIK & Laser Eye Surgery Specialists