Patient Forms

Patients may need to complete some of the forms, below, as applicable. Please bring any completed forms with you to our office at the time of your visit.

Telemedicine Visits

UM SJMG - Pulmonary Care and Sleep Medicine offers telehealth appointments as an alternative to in-office visits. We utilize Updox to conduct our telehealth appointments. Updox is a trusted HIPAA-compliant telehealth solution, enabling instant, face-to- face connections with your physicians.

Prior to your appointment it's important to test your device to ensure the device is capable of using Updox. Please call our office with any questions.

Pulmonary Patient Portal

Different from University of Maryland Medical System's standard MyPortfolio patient portal, UM St. Joseph Medical Group – Pulmonary Care and Sleep Medicine's patient portal lets you manage your appointments, view your health records, send secure messages and more.