Chester River Health Foundation Hosts 28th Annual Golf Fundraiser

It’s never an “ordinary day” at the Chester River Health Foundation’s annual golf fundraiser. Retired Baltimore Ravens Coach Brian Billick (center) stopped by a recent tournament to show his support.
The Chester River Health Foundation will host its 28th annual golf fundraiser at the Chester River Yacht & Country Club just outside of Chestertown on Friday, June 3, 2022.
The tournament is once again being generously sponsored by the Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary and will raise funds for a hematology (blood) analyzer for the lab at UM Shore Medical Center at Chestertown.
"Proceeds from this event will help provide the nearly $150,000 needed to replace our hematology analyzer," said Maryann Ruehrmund, Foundation Executive Director. "This equipment plays a critical role in analyzing blood as it is used to screen for blood disease and aids in the treatment of cancer patients."
"Virtually every emergency department patient, lab outpatients and all inpatients have tests run on this equipment, thus requiring it to run twenty four hours a day, seven days a week," said Liz Principe, site coordinator of lab services at the hospital. "The results it produces helps physicians determine what blood disorder a patient may be suffering from as well as monitors treatments."
Registrations may be made by calling Deb Lauser at 410-810-5661. Sponsorship registrations can be made online at
Because of the essential role this annual fundraiser plays in the Foundation's ability to provide funding for the highest priority hospital equipment, the tournament will be held rain or shine.
For more information, please contact Maryann Ruehrmund at 410-810-5660 or by email at