Shore United Bank collects donations for nursing team at UM Shore Medical Center at Easton

Shown left to right are Jessica Alvarez, Michael Nickerson, Jenny Bowie, Kevin Schwaninger and Laura Reeder with donations collected for the UM SRH nursing team as part of Shore United Bank’s participation in a community service project.
As part of the Maryland Bankers Association Leaders Program, three employees of Shore United Bank recently collected donations of snacks, treats and gift cards from a variety of restaurants and retail stores to honor the nursing team at UM Shore Medical Center at Easton.
Each year, program participants are asked to develop a community service project. This year's participants– Michael Nickerson, Senior Systems Engineer, Kevin Schwaninger, Senior Credit Analyst and Laura Reeder, Denton Branch Manager—collected items to donate to frontline workers in local hospitals. UM SRH Vice President, Patient Care Services and CNO Jenny Bowie and Jessica Alvarez, director of Acute Care Services, were on hand to say thank you to this year's Leaders.