
An electrocardiogram (EKG) is a test that records the heart’s electrical activity and provides information on
  • How fast the heart is beating
  • Whether the rhythm is steady or irregular
  • The strength and timing of electrical signals as they pass through each part of the heart

EKGs are performed in the Cardiology Department and at the bedside. The results are downloaded into a computer and an initial interpretation is provided to the cardiologist for review. 

Cardiac Stress Testing

This diagnostic test uses an EKG to evaluates how the heart responds to increased levels of exercise. Electrodes are placed on the chest and patients walk on a treadmill while the cardiologist evaluates the EKG, heart rate and blood pressure for any changes. 

Stress EKGs are performed in the Cardiology Department. These include exercise testing with treadmill or bicycle, as well as pharmacological stressing.

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