Parkinson's Disease Treatments | Sharon K. Powell, RN, MPH, helps a patient with equipment

Only in the last 30 years have dramatic breakthroughs been made in the management of Parkinson's disease.

Current treatment can significantly relieve people's symptoms and markedly improve their quality of life.

Treatment for Parkinson's disease may include any or all of the following:

The first stage of treatment for Parkinson's is an accurate diagnosis.

This is tricky, as we have noted, particularly early in the disorder when distinguishing Parkinson's disease from other diseases with similar symptoms is particularly difficult.

It may be helpful to see a neurologist who is experienced with what are called movement disorders.

A movement disorder specialist has expertise in diagnosing and treating Parkinson's disease and related disorders. A visit to a movement disorder center may also be useful.

Most such centers are connected with a department of neurology at a medical school, although some are freestanding clinics.

The centers have access to appropriate rehabilitation facilities and are usually involved in research studies. The Maryland Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center is such a center.