Coordinated Care Center

The Coordinated Care Center (C3) at the University of Maryland Medical Center is dedicated to helping people with complex medical, social and behavioral needs achieve better health outcomes.
Its strategy is to provide patient-centered care coordination for as long as is needed in order to bring restoration of health and well-being.
Ultimately, patients go back to working their usual providers once they are stabilized medically and socially. If patients do not have a usual provider, they are connected to primary care providers or comprehensive specialty clinics for continued management of their conditions.
This service is available at no additional cost to patients who experience health barriers such as:
- Chronic illness that is not well managed
- Health literacy gaps
- Homelessness or food scarcity
- Poor social support
- No primary care physician
- Lack of insurance
- Lack of transportation
- Mental or behavioral health conditions

Clinic is located approximately one block from University of Maryland Medical Center's downtown campus at:
36 S. Paca St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
See parking and mass transit information.
Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
At this location, our team provides resources and education that guide patients towards self-management of their conditions. Patients receive:
- Medication management
- Health and disease education
- Advanced care planning and coordination
- Social services
- Mental health care coordination
Referring to the Coordinated Care Center
Our team of physicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, community health workers and financial coordinators work with referring providers to provide the needed support to patients.
This intensive ambulatory care program typically works with patients being discharged from the Medical Center as well as frequent users of the UMMC Emergency Department. The types of conditions our patients have vary, but they may include:
- Wounds
- Chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure
- Unmet medical or mental health needs
Transitional Care Coordination
This team helps hospital patients at risk of readmission during the transition from the hospital to community-based care.
The team meets patients while hospitalized and continues to follow up via telephone or in-person visits for about 30 days as needed. Anyone on a care team can refer patients to this program.
The Transitional Care Coordination Program (TCC) is voluntary and free for patients. TCC is often the first step for a referral to C3 for enhanced primary- and/or heart failure-focused medical visits.