DNA/RNA Synthesis
We appreciate the loyalty the UMB community has shown us over the years, and to ensure that our investigators' needs are met, we undertook a competitive bidding process to identify vendors with whom we have established contracts to provide these services to our community. The two vendors we currently have established contracts with are Sigma-Aldrich and IDT Technologies. Ordering through these companies is easily accomplished through BIORESCO, and in order to receive this discounted pricing, you must order through BIORESCO.
Our facility has provided DNA synthesis for nearly 25 years and we regret having to come to this terminal decision. We intend to collect feedback in the future to gauge user-satisfaction with these vendors, and we are committed to ensuring our investigators are being provided with the quality and satisfaction they deserve. Our staff are still available to provide support and guidance on DNA synthesis and synthetic strategies and chemistry, so do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions or concerns/problems with our contract vendors, please contact Kevin Rossomando (krossomando@som.umaryland.edu).