UMMS Vendor Policies and Procedures
The University of Maryland Medical System and its affiliates (collectively referred to herein as the "Medical System") is committed to providing the highest quality care to our patients and conducting our business with integrity and in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.
In accordance with the federal Deficit Reduction Act, the Medical System is required to provide detailed information on the federal and state False Claims Acts as well as the Medical's System's policies and procedures to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse in federal and state healthcare programs to our agents and contractors who furnish Medicaid health care items or services. This information may be accessed through the links provided below.
It is expected that you, your employees and any of your subcontractors will abide by the Medical System's False Claims Act and Whistleblower Protection Education Policy in connection with the provision of goods or services to or on behalf of the Medical System.
If you have any questions about this information or concerns about the services you provide to the Medical System, please contact the Medical System's Compliance Office at 410-328-3848.