Physical Therapy
The University of Maryland Rehabilitation Network provides physical and occupational therapy for a variety of conditions that cause pain or limit a person's ability to move and function. These include muscle pain or weakness, orthopaedic conditions like neck or back pain; sports or other injuries to the knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, leg or arm; as well as neurological conditions; stroke and brain injury. Our team is focused on providing state-of-the-art treatments designed to reduce pain and allow our patients to move with ease and get back to their everyday activities.
Physical Therapy Centers throughout Baltimore and Maryland
At the UM Rehabilitation Network, we know that convenience is important to a completing a successful therapy program. With more than 20 facilities offering physical and occupational therapy for orthopaedic conditions across Maryland, the UM Rehabilitation Network provides a comprehensive suite of services to meet the needs of all patients. From spinal therapy to knee injury risk reduction to sports injury medicine to joint rehab and arthritis treatment, our therapists have the expertise to help you feel your best and get back to the activities you love. Use our locations list to search for specific services near you.
Whether you have experienced a sports injury or workplace injury, undergone surgery for a knee, shoulder or hip replacement, or are recovering from a life-changing event, the team of experts at the UM Rehabilitation Network provide every level of physical therapy and rehabilitative care to get you up, moving and living the most functional life possible. Our therapy centers on progressing patients from one ability level to the next:
- Managing your pain so that you can move
- Regaining muscle control and strength
- Helping you to maintain balance
- Achieving maximum mobility, whether it's walking independently or with the use of a device
- Successfully transferring from one position to another, like from a seated to standing position
- Achieving more complex activities, like returning to work, household activities, recreation, etc.
A Patient-centric Approach
At the UM Rehab Network, we take a take a patient-centric approach to provide care for the whole person. We use an evaluative process to determine a patient's needs functions and impairments. We then work with the patient to set functional goals. For some patients, the goal may be to play sports again. For others, the goal may be to sit comfortably at a computer without back pain or regain mobility. With your goals in mind, we develop a customized therapy program to reduce or eliminate your pain and get you moving again to help you reach your goal.
Our Therapists and Treatment Centers Set Us Apart
We are 100% committed to your recovery and overall health and well-being. And we understand that a successful therapy program requires skilled therapists and a dynamic treatment approach that allows the patient to practice activities in real-life scenarios.
UM Rehabilitation Network patients benefit from the vast expertise and technology available throughout Maryland. Your care team may include specialists from physical therapy and occupational therapy, as well as your physician. And you can take advantage of a variety of educational sessions and wellness opportunities at our various locations.
The UM Rehabilitation Network provides the optimal therapy environment for patients with all different types of challenges and goals. Our facilities offer a variety of safe training and effective environments, including indoor and outdoor space with different terrains and obstacles for mobility training, heated pools for aquatic therapy, and training kitchens and bathrooms to allow patients to practice living skills.
Find the Program and Location that's right for you.