Supportive care includes addressing the multifaceted needs of cancer patients and families. Along with treating the disease, UMGCCC is committed to addressing social, physical, emotional, cultural and practical needs during the entire journey from diagnosis, treatment and beyond.  To do this, we have a supportive care team that will provide resources and support to optimize quality of life for you and your family.

The supportive care team in Stoler Ambulatory Outpatient includes disciplines from social work, patient navigation, young adult patient navigation through The Ulman Foundation, nutrition and nurse navigation.

Nancy Corbitt

Nancy Corbitt, BSN, RN, OCN, CRNI

Mary McQuaige headshot

Mary McQuaige, BSN, RN, OCN

Kaitlin Schotz

Kaitlin Schotz, RD, LDN, CNSC

Tyler Stokes

Tyler Stokes, MGC, CGC

Default image for Find a Doctor profile

Jemeka Stewart

To contact Emily Weidow, UMGCCC's Young Adult Patient Navigator, please call 410-328-5496.