The experts at the Mesothelioma and Thoracic Oncology Treatment and Research Center are continually looking for new and more effective treatments for pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. Clinical trials are part of this process.

Clinical trials are research studies designed to find better ways to treat patients with cancer and other diseases. Treatments – usually in the form of drugs, a new way of using existing treatment or newly developed treatment methods – are developed and tested for years in the lab before they are tested in people. Once the new treatment shows promise for being better than the standard current treatment, it must be tested through a clinical trial before it is approved by the FDA.

The potential for participating in a clinical trial is one of the many benefits of seeking care at an NCI-designated Cancer Center such as the University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Clinical trials offer patients access to advanced treatments years before they may be widely available.

Current Mesothelioma Clinical Trial

Talk with your doctor if you are interested in participating in a clinical trial at UMGCCC, or call 410-328-7904.