If you have been recently diagnosed with or re-hospitalized for congestive heart failure, our Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Clinic team will see you within just a few days of your hospital visit and can help design your treatment plan. Our Clinic features a medically trained team that will explain your diagnosis and how to best manage your treatment moving forward. Our goal is to help you manage your disease, prevent a return to the hospital, and place you back on the road to living well with CHF.

Your CHF Clinic special care team will:

  • Help manage your care for the first few weeks after your initial visit to the hospital
  • Review your current medications, determine if an adjustment in dosage is needed, and show you how to take them properly
  • Put you back in touch with your primary care doctor to schedule a follow up appointment
  • Help you find additional management for your CHF beyond your primary care doctor
  • Provide education to you and your family about any necessary diet and/or lifestyle modifications
  • Help you find resources in the community for transportation to medical appointments or additional care

The CHF Clinic's nurse care manager will stay in touch with you and follow your progress through weekly phone calls or home visits, if required.