Residents are required to attend the weekly morbidity and mortality conference (M&M), grand rounds and the core curriculum conference. On Thursdays, the mornings are dedicated educational time where residents are protected from clinical responsibilities.
Attendance at these conferences is MANDATORY and all residents are expected to be punctual.
- 6:30–7:30 am: Morbidity and Morality Conference
- 7:30–8:30 am: Surgical Grand Rounds
- 8:30–9:30 am: Didactic Core Curriculum
- 9:30–10:30 am: Rotating Conference - ABSITE review, mock orals, surgical skills, ethics or palliative care
All faculty and staff on all services are aware of these protected educational times.
In-Service Training Examination
All residents are expected to take the American Board of Surgery in-training examination every year.
Administrative Duties
Each resident is expected to learn to maintain medical records in a timely fashion. All residents record their operative cases and procedures in the ACGME online database.
Residents are expected to comply with the national work hour standards endorsed by the RRC. It is the responsibility of the resident to communicate potential work hour violations with the senior resident on each service, the administrative chief resident and service attendings to avoid any violation. ALL faculty members are familiar with and fully endorse the work hour policies.
Clinical Performance
Residents will receive evaluations of their clinical performance following each rotation. Residents are expected to satisfy minimum requirements on each rotation.
Residents will train at five different affiliate hospitals, including: