Message from Program Director

Charles S. Resnik, MD
It is both difficult and simple for me to write an introduction to our Diagnostic Radiology Residency program at University of Maryland Medical Center. Difficult because there are too many outstanding features to include without losing your attention, simple because I can easily state the most important aspect of the program with continual confirmation from sources at every level: our unsurpassed collegiality.
There are many fine institutions across the country that can provide excellent radiology resident education. Maybe we are at the top of that list because of our perfect mix of junior faculty with a great wealth of enthusiasm and more seasoned faculty with a great wealth of experience, including nationally recognized leaders in trauma imaging and cardiac imaging, among others.
Or maybe we are at the top because of our unique relationship with the ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology, with many of our University of Maryland faculty serving as course lecturers there.
Or maybe we are at the top because we provide our residents with an outstanding mix of routine and unique clinical material and outstanding opportunities for scholarly activity in our many areas of strength, including radiology education, informatics and international medicine.
At the end of the day, our greatest strength is an intangible quality of collegiality that can't be measured with words.
UM Diagnostic Radiology residents have great relationships amongst themselves on both professional and personal levels. They also have similarly great relationships with so many of our faculty! Our working environment is consistently upbeat and friendly. I have said to many applicants that it doesn't matter how great the teaching is if you don't like getting up in the morning and going to work. Our residents get great teaching and they like going to work!
I hope you have an opportunity to come to our department sometime soon and experience our collegiality for yourself.
Chuck Resnik
Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Director