William Pierson Cook, IV, MD

Orthopedic Surgery

UM Upper Chesapeake Medical Services

Languages: English

Gender: Male


University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center Orthopaedics Bel Air

515 South Tollgate Road
Suite 200
Bel Air, MD 21014
Get Directions

PH: 443-643-3130

FAX: 443-643-3133

UMUC Orthopaedics Aberdeen

650 McHenry Road
Suite 1200
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Get Directions

PH: 443-843-5557

FAX: 443-843-5522

About Me

Dr. Cook specializes in total joint replacement, including total knee replacement, minimally invasive anterior total hip replacement, traditional shoulder replacement, reverse shoulder replacement, and disorders of the rotator cuff.

Dr. Cook has more than 30 years of experience. He treats patients of all ages and develops lasting relationships with them and their families. 

He is chief of orthopaedic surgery at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health. Dr. Cook is a member of the University of Maryland Joint Network, a group of surgeons known for their advanced expertise and positive outcomes in total hip and knee replacement.

Dr. Cook received a bachelor's degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and his doctorate degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. His internship and orthopedic residency at Baltimore's MedStar Union Memorial Hospital included training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center.

Dr. Cook is a prominent figure in Harford County. He enjoys spending time with his family, gardening and working around his home. He is most relaxed when riding his horse.

Learn more about the Upper Chesapeake Orthopaedic Specialty Group

When David was finally ready to address that hip pain, Dr. Cook and the Upper Chesapeake Specialty Group got him back to the activities he loves.

Learn how Dr. Cook and the Upper Chesapeake Orthopedic Specialty Group are getting people back to the activities they love.

UM UCH Hip Surgery - David's Full Story

Dr. Cook Discusses What an Anterior Hip Replacement Is in this Live Greater Podcast

Dr. Cook Discusses the Difference Between Arthroplasty and Arthroscopy in this Live Greater Podcast